
A vision of Spring, vested for Lent

Photo: FPO

Haven't seen the likes of this yet in my own backyard but H/T to my friend FPO for sharing what's blooming at his front door!

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  1. I haven't seen the likes of this in my backyard either, but today, on this rainy day, I saw the likes of it in my heart-

    I kind of think that is just as good (or better) than at my front door...

  2. Austin, Beautiful picture for Lent!
    (I'm getting close:-)) Celebrated Rite of Election w/Archbishop of Santa Fe last Sunday. Almost time for the Scrutinies!)

    Michelle, incredibly beautiful words, thank you.

    Peace, jer...

  3. I've been checking the crocuses along my church's foundation every day on my way into Morning Prayer. No blooms yet, but I live ever in hope!


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