
Monday Morning Offering - 138

Image: George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

So, Lent is half over
and Easter's only three weeks away...

I should be at least half- prepared, half-ready
to celebrate the Resurrection
-- but I’m not...

I’m not sure I’m even 1/40th ready
for Easter Sunday...

Beginning with Ash Wednesday I was doing really well,
right up 'til, oh, maybe the First Sunday of Lent...

And I know, Lord, that was only 4 days…

So, I offer you my bad record here, Lord
and pray you forgive me
for failing in my Lenten plans...

I offer you my lack of self-discipline:
I excuse myself so easily…

I offer you my flimsy promises,
made with firm intentions but failing in follow-through…

I offer you my mistakes, Lord,
hoping that you will forgive me
and accept my renewed pledge
to pray more often, to go without
and to reach out to the poor…

Such is my offering, Lord:
please help me to lean on your help
and not to try to do this all on my own..

Be with me, Lord, and be my strength in temptation…

When I put off prayer,
draw me to a quiet place and sit me down:
to be with you, to speak with you,
to get to know you better…

When I’m tempted to indulge myself
on what I’ve given up for this season
(or on anything else),
remind my heart of my pledge
and the reason for it:
an opportunity to fill my soul
with the food and drink of your word and truth…

When I spend first on myself
and consume more than my share of goods,
show me how I have so much, too much,
and help me be generous
with those who have little or nothing at all…

And remind me, Lord,
that I don't walk the Lenten path alone:
help me to be kind and gentle
with those whose paths cross mine this day
and this week...

I offer you my renewed Lenten intentions, Lord,
and pray you will strengthen my resolve,
deepen my commitment and keep me faithful
to preparing for Easter…

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  1. It's good to know that I'm not the only one faltering this Lent.
    Thank you for this prayer that never ends (!) to help renew committment over and over again every day. It's the only way through.

  2. Your Monday morning prayers always speak so eloquently of things we all feel. Thank you.

  3. please help me to lean on your help
    and not to try to do this all on my own..

    Oh, yes...
    Thank you.


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