
Why I'm Still Wearing My Winter Jacket

INSTALLING SPRING... ███████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 44%
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  1. Brilliant description of the situation but I'm feeling for you because I know you love the sun.
    It's boiling here!

    Thinking of you and hope you have a blessed Triduum.

  2. With Easter being so late this year, I was actually concerned that spring would come in full bloom while we were still in the desert of Lent. It seems that the Lord gave us the "gift" of on-going dreariness!

  3. Isn't that the truth!!

  4. FTR: Not my brilliant description - something I've found floating on the internet, unattributed. But it works!

  5. In addition to the gloomy weather we have been having, another wrinkle occurred two days ago -- the furnace bit the dust spewing smoke everywhere and leaking tons of red rusty water all over the basement floor. Oh joy! A new furnace had to be ordered from New Jersey. It arrived today and is being installed. It will be nice to have heat and hot water again! Actually, a lovely way to end Lent by offering up these relatively minor inconveniences.


  6. but is Lent really supposed to be dreary? or meant to be that way?

    I don't think so.


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