
I am the gate!

Image: Lee Hodges

Homily for the Fourth Sunday of Easter
(Scriptures for today's liturgy)

This weekend I preached at two of our four Masses and both of these were also First Communion celebrations. I did not preach from a text as I usually do so I have only the audio to offer you here.

And here's the lost sheep who turned up at all of our First Reconciliation services!

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  1. Lovely- I wish I was young again !

  2. I can't tell you- or anyone- how much I relate to this little lost sheep...
    I couldn't take my eyes from it...
    I listened and I looked with tears...

  3. Ahh... but in God's eyes you are - the Lord renews the joy of your youth in his grace!

  4. That little lost sheep has been found, by the Lord himself...


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