On of my cantors was praying before bedtime with her little girl. At the end of their prayers, when mom forgot to say "Amen," Maggie said, "Mom! You have to say 'Amen' so God will know you're hanging up!"
I love that story!
We do pray like that, don't we?
At different times, or perhaps at the same time every day, we pause and "call God" to talk for a while. And when we're through, we "hang up" and go about our other business.
But God never hangs up on us.
God is always on the line: always ready to pick up our conversation where we left off - or start a new one. We don't even have to redial... the Lord is always waiting, listening for our voice.
Of course it may be polite (as Maggie pointed out to her mother) to say "Amen" when our prayer is done. But it would be even better to end our prayer as we often end our phone calls with one another, ending with those four important words, "Talk to you soon!"
And here's one of my favorites, sung by one of my favorite groups, The Manhattan Transfer: Operator!

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That song was Great! The Shaw kids always end their phone conversations with "Love you." I easily picked up on this beautiful way to say "Good-bye."