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St. Cecilia Church in Boston

A press release from the Archdiocese of Boston indicates that a Mass scheduled for June 19 at St. Cecilia Parish in Boston has been rescheduled for July 10.

It seems that the Archdiocese has worked to distance the Mass from the Gay Pride connection found in  earlier parish bulletin announcements and to expand the intended welcome to a wider community of the faithful.
“The Archdiocese of Boston is committed to evangelization and to being a welcoming Church for all of God’s people. St. Cecilia’s is a wonderful example of the exceptional parishes in the Archdiocese which seek to serve the Catholic faithful with grace, dignity, respect, compassion and love and being devoted to the Gospel and Christ’s saving ministry.

The reports that the Mass, originally scheduled for June 19th, was cancelled are not accurate. Rather the Mass was postponed. As indicated in the statement of the Archdiocese on June 10, a Mass welcoming the wider community of the faithful, including gays and lesbians, will be held. The Mass has been rescheduled to Sunday, July 10th at 11am.

We respect the desire of those individuals organizing and participating in the prayer service. We know that the postponement of the June 19th Mass has been disappointing to them. Our hope and prayer is that we can come together as one community of Catholics sharing in the Lord’s divine love for each of us.”
(Related posts are gathered here.)

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  1. This would be an exciting mass to attend. I wish I could bring my family to show my support. Alas, we will be on vacation.

  2. Father Fleming,

    Today is the feast of John the Baptist, whom one might view as a martyr for the defense of traditional marriage. John called all people to his baptism of repentance as a "voice crying in the wilderness." Anyone who echoed John's call to repentance today at St. Cecilia's "welcome Mass" would likely be jeered in the media and by the mob.

    I am not very sorry that those who wanted the Gay Pride Mass on June 19 are disappointed. I am sorry that the archdiocese has issued a statement of such ambiguity that no one knows exactly what the newly rescheduled service is supposed to accomplish. Every Mass is a Mass of welcome to men and women of good faith.

    I would like to see Cardinal Sean appear at the pulpit for the homily and speak on the Church's commitment to helping all those with same-sex attraction live a Christ-centered life of chastity.



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