
Towards understanding the Trinity

H/T to an anonymous reader who left a link to this video in the combox: more help towards understanding our Triune God as we celebrate Trinity Sunday this weekend.

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  1. so much of my faith, for me, is often confusing and abstract-
    and sometimes it all seems too much-
    but, AT THE SAME TIME, it is all just what I need-
    even in my confusion, maybe especially in my confusion, this is where I think I find comfort and safety-
    not because it is confusing exactly, but I think because, somehow, I know that God is there-
    He has to be-

    (this may sound strange to everyone)

    it is in all of this, and more, that I find the strength to go on...

  2. I'm very happy you find the strength to go on, Michelle. More than happy that your faith is the reason.

    Same with me.


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