
A morning prayer

Image: StuartWesley

It occurs to me that Fr. James Martin's "Evening Prayer," which I posted last night, could be easily adapted as a "Morning Prayer."

I know it's going to be my morning prayer, today...

Morning Prayer

Will you accept the opportunity to change today?

Or will you reject the possibility of growth?

Will you cling to your old ways of doing things,
out of pride or stubbornness or fear,
or will you let God show you a new way?

Give thanks to God for the invitation for daily conversion,
even if you don't fully accept the invitation,
and ask for the grace to be open
to let go of all that keeps you from growing in love.

- adapted from Fr. James Martin's "Evening Prayer"


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  1. "Give thanks to God for the invitation for daily conversion."

    I at first read this as "Give thanks to God for the invitation for daily conversation."

    I like both versions.


  2. well, yes, I did "accept the opportunity to change today"-

    they may have been in small ways, but I hope and pray that they were also bold...
    (and they felt VERY BIG and VERY HARD to me)

    the opportunities I accepted to change today were NOT easy at all- but I stuck it through and pushed on through my day...

    thank you.

  3. Great observation about this prayer. Great timing for me, as well. This is the Jewish holy month of Elul in which self-assessment, awareness and the willingness to change -- to return to G-d -- is the core theme in preparation for our High Holy Days.

  4. Great observation about this prayer. This is a period of prayer and introspection for me. Thanks for posting it...both ways.


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!