
Veterans Day Prayer 2011

USAF photo by Staff Sgt. Scott Campbell
(The list of "search words" bringing readers to this page indicates that many are already preparing to lead a prayer on Veterans Day, November 11.  For those who might find it helpful, here's an early post of a prayer that will appear again on the day of observance.)

Prayer for Veterans Day 2011

God of peace,
we pray for those who have served our nation
and who laid down their lives
to protect and defend our freedom.

We pray for those who have fought,
whose spirits and bodies are scarred by war,
whose nights are haunted by memories
too painful for the light of day.

We pray for those who serve us now,
especially for those in harm's way:
shield them from danger
and bring them home.

Turn the hearts and minds
of our leaders and our enemies
to the work of justice and a harvest of peace.

Spare the poor, Lord, spare the poor!

May the peace you left us,
the peace you gave us,
be the peace that sustains,
the peace that saves us.

Christ Jesus, hear us!
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer!



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  1. Thank you for the beautiful prayer.

  2. Hi Father,

    I am putting the final touches on a Veteran's Day celebration at the Catholic school where I work. Do you allow your prayer to be printed? I was hoping to put it on a bookmark to pass out to all the veterans who attend our program.


  3. Mary: I'd be very pleased if you shared my prayer at your service at school and gave copies to the those who attend. May I ask that at the bottom of the prayer you just include this attribution?

    Thank you!


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and PRAY before you think!