
The spirit of Christmas

If you're wondering what the spirit of Christmas truly is,
take a few minutes to watch this video...

H/T to Deacon Greg


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  1. before I even got through one minute of this video I couldn't stop my tears-
    my emotions are many, and are pretty confused and mixed up, with very personal things and also those of the world...

    oh, God, I pray...

  2. I loved that! Not gonna walk by anyone ever again without giving something!

  3. I see lots of people, many days, if not every day, who ask for money- or sit quietly on the street with a sign...
    Mostly I don't stop and give something-
    mostly it is because I don't have anything on me to give-
    but I do think about it- I walk by and wonder if I have a few coins in my backpack...
    but, then I think about safety- ?
    (and I wonder what that really means)

    stopping and opening my backpack to look...

    but if I didn't have anything, the awkwardness of just walking on-

    I can't walk by these people and not feel anything, not think anything-
    sometimes I feel very strong feelings- of sadness- sometimes I say a quick prayer for them-

    it is all very confusing and brings many confusing emotions and questions-
    on top of all the confusing emotions and questions I already have, about other things...

  4. I Had many thoughts when I saw this video.
    #1 Christ ask us to be a light to others,and he doesn't ask us to do big things, small things are just as important.
    #2 We don't have to have all sorts of abilities to be a light to someone else. I pray with people who have Developmental Disabilities
    and my theme this lent is We are the light of the world.
    Wondeful video, surfaced so many emotions.
    Thank You

  5. This video brought tears to my eyes. It is what Christmas giving is all about! Thank you for your inspiring message!

  6. Extraordinary! In one of the early scenes with the wrought iron and wood benches, there were ornamental wall sculptures hanging above the benches. They made me think of the Stations of the Cross.



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