There are several days on the church calendar (Easter, Pentecost, Corpus Christi and Our Lady of Sorrows) when the liturgy calls for a "sequence," a special hymn that may be sung or recited before the proclamation of the gospel. The sequence for Pentecost dates from the 12th century. Here's a beautiful translation by Peter Scagnelli. Below the text you'll find a widget with two settings of the Pentecost Sequence, one in Gregorian Chant and a polyphonic setting by William Byrd.
Holy Spirit, Lord Divine,
Come, from heights in heav’n and shine.
Come with blessed radiance bright!
Come, O Father of the poor,
Come, whose treasured gifts endure.
Come, our heart’s unfailing light!
Of consolers, wisest, best,
And our souls’ most welcome guest,
Sweet refreshment, sweet repose.
In our labor rest most sweet,
Pleasant coolness in the heat,
Consolation in our woes.
Light most blessed, shine with grace
In our heart’s most secret place,
Fill your faithful through and through!
Left without your presence here,
Life itself would disappear,
Nothing thrives apart from you!
Cleanse our soiled hearts of sin,
Arid souls refresh within,
Wounded lives to health restore!
Bend the stubborn heart and will,
Melt the frozen, warm the chill,
Guide the wayward home once more!
On the faithful who are true
And profess their faith in you,
In your sev’n-fold gift descend!
Give us virtue’s sure reward,
Give us your salvation, Lord,
Give us joys that never end!
Amen. Alleluia!

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