Find a quiet time and place to pray...
take a few deep breaths... be still...
and know that God is near...
A word to reflect on:
You will show me the path to life,fullness of joys in your presence...
Psalm 16
Just two short lines, Lord,
but a plate piled high with food for thought
and prayer to nourish me...
Indeed, you have a path marked out for me, Lord,
and I'm sure that when I don't know which way to turn
or have totally lost my way,
you're right by my side, always urging me
in the right direction, replanning my route
on the Grace Positioning System
you've embedded in my mind and heart...
You're always showing me the way, Lord:
you don't leave me alone without your help
or hide the map that points the way...
But sometimes (even often), I take a short cut,
or turn one way when I know I should go the other...
Too often I'm distracted and pay no attention
to the signs you've placed along the way:
I miss the lights telling me to stop, to go,
to proceed with caution...
I ignore the stop signs and merge when I should yield
or yield when I should merge...
I see the sign that says "one way" but ignore it
and foolishly go against the traffic,
risking harm to me and others...
I get stuck in rotaries and roundabouts, getting nowhere,
not knowing how to escape the vicious circle of traffic,
the merry-go-round ride that takes me nowhere...
So many of my life's streets are clearly marked
but I pay the signs no mind and end up
lost, confused and doubling back to find my way
when with even just a little focus
I'd not have lost my way at all...
And there are times, Lord, when, try as I might,
I still get lost because the intersections are so many,
the choices so confusing, and I'm not sure where
my compass points me...
In every case, Lord, I know you're guiding me,
pointing me along the path that leads to life, the just road,
the high road bound for peace and for joy more full
than any I'll find when I toss your map out the window...
In this quiet time today, Lord,
help me reckon where I am...
where I've been... where you're leading me...
and how I'm going to get there...
Keep me faithful to the signs you post along my way,
help me trust that you know so much better than I
the way that will lead to the peace
and happiness I've not found on my own...
All the roads you map for me, Lord, lead somehow to you,
to a time and place like this moment now
when you and I are walking together
and I can see where you'd have me go
and where my heart's desire will be found...
Today, Lord - not tomorrow but today -
help me find my bearings and see
where you want me to go
- and the path that brings me there...
Place your hand on my shoulder
and head me in the right direction...
In this quiet time today, Lord, in the stillness,
show me that you are near, that you are here,
that indeed, you are my God...
Here are some tips for praying 10 minutes a day. If you find these daily prayer reminders helpful, please let me know - and share them with others. You'll find an archive of these daily posts here.
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