
A preface for our prayer on Corpus Christi weekend

The Last Supper by Salvador Dali

Below you'll find the newly translated Preface II of the Most Holy Eucharist found in the Roman Missal.  Following that you'll find the previous translation from the Sacramentary.  While we'll use the first translation at Mass this weekend, either might help you in your personal prayer as you prepare to celebrate for this feast.

From the Roman Missal:

It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God,
through Christ our Lord.

For at the Last Supper with his Apostles,
establishing for the ages to come 
the saving memorial of the Cross,
he offered himself to you as the unblemished Lamb,
the acceptable gift of perfect praise.

Nourishing your faithful by this sacred mystery,
you make them holy so that the human race,
bounded by one world,
may be enlightened by one faith
and united by one bond of charity.

And so, we approach the table of this wondrous Sacrament,
so that, bathed in the sweetness of your grace,
we may pass over to the heavenly realities here foreshadowed.

Therefore, all creatures of heaven and earth
sing a new song in adoration,
and we, with all the host of Angels,
cry out, and without end we acclaim:

Holy, Holy, Holy...

From the Sacramentary:
Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,
we do well always and everywhere
to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord.

At the last supper,
as he sat at table with his apostles,
he offered himself to you as the spotless lamb,
the acceptable gift that gives you perfect praise.

Christ has given us this memorial of his passion
to bring us its saving power until the end of time.

In this great sacrament you feed your people
and strengthen them in holiness,
so that the family of (hu)mankind
may come to walk in the light of one faith,
in one communion of love.

We come then to this wonderful sacrament
to be fed at your table
and grow into the likeness of the risen Christ.

Earth unites with heaven
to sing the new song of creation
as we adore and praise you for ever:

Holy, holy, holy ...

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