
On vacation

This weekend I'll be leaving for vacation, returning on August 29.

While I'm away I'll be posting a weekly Monday Morning Offering and a daily Midday Prayer, but not my regular Praying 10 minutes today.  

Maybe a few other occasional posts...  or maybe not...

As always, the sidebar offers archives of Monday Morning Offerings and Praying 10 minutes today.

I'll hold you in my prayer while I'm away and ask the same of you...


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  1. Wishing you a wonderful vacation, Austin. May it be restful and refreshing.

  2. Have a good vacation! I'm slightly disappointed because my family is going out to the east coast for vacation August 17-27th and your parish for a daily mass was on our list of things to do since I love your blog so much!

  3. Sorry to miss you - have a good visit!

  4. ENJOY!!!! May the weather be with you!


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!