
Praying 10 minutes today: WEDNESDAY 8/1

Find a quiet time and place to pray...  take a few deep breaths... 
be still... and know that God is near...

A word to reflect on:   

Be kind to your servant that I may live,
that I may keep your word.
Open my eyes to see clearly
the wonders of your teachings.
- Psalm 119

(Before moving on to the reflection below,
spend some quiet time with the scripture verse above...)
I know well enough not to cross any street
with my eyes closed, Lord.
I remember the childhood lesson:
stop and look both ways before crossing…

So why do I sometimes close my eyes
and walk blindly through the day’s traffic,
looking only one way, my way, Lord,
as I cross at the corner of Choice and Decision?

Lord, I’m bright enough to Google for info and tips,
reviews and suggestions, for solutions to problems
that confuse and confound me:
my inquiring mind wants to know…

So why do I rush without thinking, eyes shut,
only feeling my way through a labyrinth of cares
needing inquiry, study, reflection and time
- and googling you through my prayer?

My mind is so small, my intellect limited,
my knowledge is sparse, my thoughts often cloudy,
my insight shortsighted, my logic is flawed,
my conclusions too hasty and my memory failing…

And so I pray, Lord…

Open my eyes to see clearly,
that I may keep your word
and know the wonders of your teachings…

Keep me from thinking I’ve got all the answers,
that with time I can reason the truth on my own…

Keep me from foolishly thinking
I know more, I know better than you…

Save me from the prideful lie
that my truth might trump yours…

Shape my thoughts with your word and truth
and in your wisdom mold my deeds…

Keep me from walking blindly
down roads I don’t know and paths I'd best avoid...

Open my eyes to see clearly, Lord,
how you teach me to live and to love…

Humble my spirit and tame my will,
open my heart to receive all you have to share…

Open my eyes to see as you see,
open my ears to hear what you speak,
open my mind to know what you teach,
open my dreams to hope what you promise…

In the quiet of my prayer, Lord,
slow me down and help me look both ways,
to see all the ways your face shines upon me…

In the stillness here, Lord, help me discern
your word, your truth and what you ask of me
in my choices and decisions today...

Deepen my thoughts with your counsel, Lord,
expand my mind with your Spirit’s power,
open my soul to difficult truths,
and help me see clearly 
what you want me to know…

Let me be still and calm in your presence, Lord,
believing that you are near,
trusting that you are here by my side
that I might live 
and, in your love, find my joy…

To ponder and pray over...
To what do I close my eyes?  
What of God's word and will do I not want to see?
Are my mind and heart open to God's truth?
Do I want to learn, to know, what's true in God's eyes?
Where most in my life do I need to open my eyes
   to the teachings of the Lord?
What will I ask of the Lord today?
From this prayer time, what word or phrase will I keep with me
   to carry through the rest of my day?

(After you spend some time with these questions,
pray the reflection above one more time...)

Here are some tips   for praying 10 minutes a day.  If you find these daily prayer  reminders  helpful, please let me know - and share them with others.   You'll find  an archive of these daily posts here.

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