Image: George Mendoza
Good morning, good God...
A few days ago
I was talking to a friend about prayer:
about making time in the day
a quiet time to be with you,
no agenda in hand,
just to sit with you
and enjoy your company,
the way old friends do...
I know I usually bring lots of my "stuff" to prayer:
my difficulties, my fears, my doubts;
my hurt and disappointment;
my confusion and all my questions...
And I know you're fine
with my bringing my problems to you
but sometimes I bring so much stuff,
I'm focused so much on my troubles,
I'm not sure I really get to see you,
I'm not sure I get to just sit with you,
the way old friends do...
Lord, I think of a child running to her mom
with a scraped knee from a fall off her bike.
Maybe a band aid will help
but what she really wants, what will ease her pain
and calm her fears, is her mom by her side:
the presence of someone who knows, who cares,
who loves her and promises
all shall be well,
yes, all shall be well,
as scary as things are - all shall be well...
I need that kind of time with you, Lord;
time to sit side by side with someone who knows me,
who loves me and promises
all shall be well, yes, all shall be well,
and all manner of things shall be well...
I need time to remember how close you are,
24 / 7 / 365...
In prayer or at work, awake or asleep,
on good days and bad, when I'm sick, when I'm well,
in joy or in sorrow, in strength or in weakness,
wherever I am, however I'm feeling, whatever I'm fearing:
you're there by my side
and just a few moments in the quiet of prayer
reminds me how faithful a friend you have been,
24 / 7 / 365...
When I come to pray, Lord,
give me the faith I need to put aside
the burdens I bear,
burdens that blind and block me
from seeing your face, knowing your presence,
and trusting you're there for me
24 / 7 / 365...
Let's sit, you and I, and rest as old friends,
just enjoying the time we have together, Lord,
and in the peace of just being with you
give me a hint,
a taste, a sip of what you offer me
24 / 7 / 365...
In the quiet of my prayer, Lord, help me see
that it's good to lay down my burdens,
to put them aside,
and breathe in deeply your Spirit's fresh air
filling my lungs, my heart and my mind
with peace that lasts and gives me hope...
You and your love are greater
than all my problems, worries and cares
and while sitting with you in the stillness
no harm will come my way
because you're with me, Lord,
24 / 7 / 365...
Remind me, Lord to make time every day
just to be with you,
no agenda in hand,
just to sit with you
and enjoy your company,
the way old friends do...
From this prayer time,
what word or phrase will I keep with me
to carry through the rest of my day?
what word or phrase will I keep with me
to carry through the rest of my day?
(Click here for an archive of Monday Morning Offerings)

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"make time just to be with you"
ReplyDeleteThat's what I have to remember..all the time. Sometimes I just get so wrapped up in the stuff happening in my day it is bedtime before I reflect on how I spent my time.
A lovely reminder....thanks!