A reader reports having trouble with the word verification process in the comboxes here.
Anyone else experiencing difficulties of that nature?

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Once in a while it is difficult to determine one of the choices. I make a stab at it. Sometimes it gets rejected and a new set of two choices comes up. That always has worked for me. It hasn't happened frequently that I cannot make out one of the choices, but it has happened.
ReplyDeleteI just looked at the two choices and I cannot figure out what the second one is - it looks like a logo of some sort.
I just typed in the first word that I could read and "logo" and it worked!
I agree with Rosemary. The numbers are easy, but the letters are often difficult for me, not just here but anywhere I have to prove I am not a robot, and idea which itself is somewhat off-putting!
ReplyDeleteAlso, they are never as clear as in the example you show in your post! Would that they were!
ReplyDeleteThe reader having a problem is able to decipher the letters/numbers and is confident she's entering them correctly but is getting a rejection screen in response.
ReplyDeleteOh it is so annoying - not just here Austin!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I type the exact letters and I get the error message. Other times I know that I do not type the write comibination, and I get in.
My two cents, for what it is worth - if you are using comment moderation, why bother with word verification? You may have more spam comments to moderate out, but, it might be easier.
That said, I am one to press on, so either way, it does not put me off.
I'm taking Fran's suggestion and cancelling Word Verification!
ReplyDeleteIf spam gets to be too much, I'll let you all know.
Thanks, Fran!
Fran beat me to it. I'm glad you took her suggestion. If you find there is lots of spam you can always bring back the word verification, but I'll be surprised if you have a problem.
ReplyDeleteFolks, I've lost the actual count but I've had over 25 spam comments since removing word verification - the majority of them trying to get me hooked on Ambien!
ReplyDeleteGonna go a few more days and see if I can handle this.