
I stand at the door and knock...

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The first scripture at Mass today included this verse from Revelation 3:

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. 
If any hear my voice and open the door, 
I will enter their house and dine with them, and they with me...
I particularly like image above because it shows Christ doing what we all have done at one time or another: we knock on someone's door and then lean in to listen for movement inside, lettting us know that someone's coming to answer.

I trust that Christ is knocking on the doors of our hearts all the time, always seeking to come in to visit with us, to dine with us, to live with us...

Perhaps he's been knocking for some time, calling my name, asking, "Are you in there?  I know you're in there!  Please open the door...  I want to be with you..."

Let's pray for one another that when the Lord comes a-knocking we'll hear his voice calling our name and open the door to welcome him in.


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1 comment:

  1. I love this picture of Jesus knocking on our hearts door. I would love to have a poster of it for our Children’s Ministry. Can you tell me who to contact that has this image?
    Thank you
    Children’s Pastor
    Faith Assembly
    Rogersville Tennessee


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