Find a quiet time and place to pray... take a few deep breaths...
be still... and know that God is near...

A word to reflect on:
I call to God most high,
to God who faithfully provides for me...
- Psalm 57
I call to God most high,
to God who faithfully provides for me...
- Psalm 57
(Before moving on to the reflection below,
spend some quiet time with the scripture verse above...)
I'm told, Lord,
that you'll let nothing come my way
without providing the grace, the help, the strength
to deal with it...
I have a prayer card reminding me, Lord, that
"Nothing will happen today
that that you and I can't handle together."
And now the psalm tells me
you'll faithfully provide what I need...
I call to God most high,
to God who faithfully provides for me...
I want to believe this, Lord,
in fact - I do believe this!
In my heart of hearts I believe
you're near, you're at my side;
that you'll not forget or deny me; you'll not abandon me
nor leave me wanting for what I need to walk with you
through all my trials and troubles...
But sometimes, Lord, it's hard for me to find
the grace, the help, the strength that you provide,
so, trusting in your kindness, in your love for me,
I pray you'll help me find the gifts you offer...
Open my heart to grace that comes each day
in ways I often miss.
Let your grace be like the blood that courses through my veins:
flowing, pulsing, quietly sustaining me,
warming me, keeping me alive
without my asking, without my even praying...
I call to God most high,
to God who faithfully provides for me...
Open my eyes to all the ways each day you help me through my friends.
Let me hear the words you speak through them;
find your touch in their embrace;
know your presence in their company,
and trust your faithful and abiding love
in every way they care for me...
I call to God most high,
to God who faithfully provides for me...
When I'm weakened by temptation,
help me find the strength you give each day to help me.
Provide me with the will I need to choose what's right,
what's true, what's pure and good and just.
Give me strength to take each step, Lord, especially the next one:
and help me walk with you the path I know is mine...
I call to God most high,
to God who faithfully provides for me...
Give me grace to trust
that nothing comes my way, Lord,
without your giving me what I'll need to meet it...
Help me know, deep in my heart,
that this day will bring nothing
that together you and I can't handle...
Give me strength, Lord, from your providing hand,
to walk the journey of this day, this night,
in faith, in peace and always by your side...
I call to God most high,
to God who faithfully provides for me...
In the quiet of my prayer, Lord,
help me see my day for what it is
and not for what my fears might make of it...
In the stillness of my prayer, Lord,
send your Spirit to help me find and see and accept
the grace and help, the promised strength provided me
in your faithful and abiding care...
I call to God most high,
to God who faithfully provides for me...
To ponder and pray over...
Do I trust that God provides the grace I need
for whatever comes my way?
Do I trust that the Lord is with me
in every trial and trouble that's mine?
Do I need the Spirit's help in finding the help the Lord provides?
What will I ask of the Lord today?
From this prayer time, what word or phrase will I keep with me
to carry through the rest of my day?
for whatever comes my way?
Do I trust that the Lord is with me
in every trial and trouble that's mine?
Do I need the Spirit's help in finding the help the Lord provides?
What will I ask of the Lord today?
From this prayer time, what word or phrase will I keep with me
to carry through the rest of my day?
(After you spend some time with these questions,
pray the reflection above one more time...)
Here are some tips for praying 10 minutes a day. If you find these daily prayer reminders helpful, please let me know - and share them with others. You'll find an archive of these daily posts here.

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