
New spaces for evangelization

Every year on January 24, the feast of Saint Francis deSales, the patron saint of writers and journalists, the Vatican publishes the pope's message for World Communications Day, which is observed annually on the Sunday before Pentecost, this year on May 12.

The theme for this year's observance and the title of the pope's remarks is: Social Networks: portals of truth and faith; new spaces for evangelization.

You'll find the full text of Benedict's reflection here.


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  1. Fr. Fleming,
    I received the wooden crosses today - thank you. Both crosses were broken in the same place. I'm assuming it happened in transit. I will crazy glue them together, but I just wanted to let you know for future mailings. I'm curious if this has happened before.

    Jim in NJ

  2. So sorry to hear that, Jim! I've not received similiar reports and I hope others have had better luck. PLEASE send me your street address again to FrAustinFleming@aol.com and I'll resend in better packaging - thanks for letting me know, I appreciate that!


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