
A prayer for peace

Peace to every house.
Peace to every heart.
Peace to those who wait for news,
    peace when they receive it.
Peace to the person searching for work,
    peace to the person burdened with illness,
    peace to the person who feels alone.
Peace between faiths, between nations,
    between opinions that harden to politics.
Peace to all the children,
    peace and safety and a chance to dream.
Peace to our elders, the peace of a life well lived
    and a vision of the one to come.
Peace in heaven, peace on Earth,
    peace to you, peace to me,
    to every house, to every heart, peace.

- Steven Charleston


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  1. I'm borrowing this for the jail, with attribution! Thanks for this. I think I may need it more than the people I will see, but giving it to them will give me the chance to pray it over and over again.

  2. Make sure Steve Charleston gets the credit!


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