
Monday Morning Offering

Coffee in the Morning by George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

So often I find myself filled
with a need for clarity,
for surety and solutions,
for evidence and proof,
for certainty, signs and answers...

And when I bring all this to you
I'm often disappointed and frustrated,
when my prayer meets
your quiet presence,
your inscrutable silence,
your mysterious Spirit...

So this morning, Lord,
I offer you my desire to trust...

Help me trust in your wisdom
when I'm in a complete fog...

Help me trust in your strength
when I have none...

Help me see beyond my problems
when my problems are all that I can see...

Help me trust that all shall be well
when everything seems so impossible...

Help me trust in your fidelity
when I feel abandoned and lost...

Help me trust in tomorrow
when today is so bleak...

Help me trust in your word
when I can't hear your voice...

Help me trust in your truth
when I'm lost in confusion...

Help me trust in your light
when I'm lost in the dark...

Help me trust in your love
when I feel completely alone...

Help me trust in you
when I don't trust myself...

Help me trust in your mercy
when I fear you won't forgive me...

Help me let go my need for
absolute clarity, 
for surety and solutions,
for evidence and proof,
for certainty, signs and answers...

Help me let go all that
and trust in you, Lord,
and in your loving care for me...

And through this day's ups and downs,
through this week's sorrows and joys,
open my heart to those whose paths cross mine:
help me trust in their goodness
and help them trust in mine...

This is the prayer I offer you this morning, Lord,
and all this day and through this week...

Help me trust that you hear me:
help me trust that all shall be well,
that all shall be well,
that all manner of things shall be well...


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