
Monday EVENING Offering: 7/21

Photo by CP

I forgot it was Monday...

I slept through most of the morning...

I forgot to write, to post,
this weekly offering...

So I come now at day's end,
as your sun begins to set...

Thank you, Lord,
for space and grace to rest,
to let go worry's schedule...

Thank you for the time and place
to sit and breathe in deeply
of your Spirit's gentle lake shore breeze...

Thank you, Lord, for days set free 
to find and savor beauty
I so often, easily miss..

Thank you for a clear head, Lord,
a heart refreshed, a mind at peace, 
a soul renewed...

Thank you for these days of grace 
and please, Lord, grant the same
to family, friends and all who share
these words, this prayer, 
this Monday Evening Offering...

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