Homily for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Scriptures for today's Mass)
Audio for homily
How often have you heard someone
Well, it doesn’t really matter what god you believe in
or how you name your god.
It doesn’t really matter what you believe in
as long as you believe in something, some god, some
Well, all three scriptures today
do highlight the universality of God
and God’s love and grace.
• Isaiah reminds us that the
Lord’s house will be a house of prayer
- for all peoples.
• St. Paul is clear that although
his own people, the Jews,
have yet to accept
the gospel
God’s covenant with them, his
chosen people, is irrevocable.
• And here is Jesus,
reaching beyond his own mission to
the house of Israel,
reaching out to a pagan woman
whose interest is inspired
perhaps not so much by any faith
as much as personal desperation.
As ancient as these stories may
be, they speak to us today.
In our own times, the universality
of God’s love and grace
is easily accepted by many and in
some cultures, by most.
So, does it not matter who or what you believe in
as long as believe in someone or
Is that so?
We need to try to look at this
question from two vantage points
and the first will be more
difficult for us than the second.
First, we need to try to see this
from God’s point of view.
God is the creator of every human
and knows every human soul and
life - intimately.
God loves every one of us long
before we’re conceived,
before we’re born
and loves us regardless of what
our beliefs are
– or what they are
God’s love for us is greater than our belief in God
and God’s love isn’t given on
account of our believing,
nor is it withdrawn for our lack
of belief.
God. Is. Love.
But God’s love for each of us is a
and it is given out of God’s
to engage each of us in a
relationship of love.
God loves each of us and asks for
our love in return
and asks us to love one another as
we are loved by God.
The universal gift of God’s love
is given to each of us, then,
with expectations,
responsibilities and demands.
In fact, we Christians say that
this love is the LAW
by which we are to live.
And with that statement,
I’ve crossed over to the other
vantage point
from which we need to try to
the universality of God’s love and
There are thousands of religions
and faiths and beliefs in the world.
But I’m a Christian believer
speaking to other Christian believers.
• I believe in God, the creator of
the all things visible and invisible.
• I believe in Jesus, God’s
Word made flesh, who lived among us
and who suffered died and rose
from the dead
so that you and I might have life
• And I believe in the Spirit of
God, living and moving in my heart,
and in your heart, and in all the
world around us.
• And I believe that in communion
with Christ’s Body, the Church,
we come to discern the truth, to
grow in God’s love
and to serve those in need.
And in just a few minutes you will
be joining me
in professing those very same
beliefs in the Nicene Creed.
So, I believe, we believe, that the universal
love and grace of God
- took flesh - and was born among
us 2,000 years ago
and that the image that hangs over
our prayer every week:
is the sign of how and how much
God loves us
and of how and how much we are
called to love one another.
While we believe that God’s love
is universal
and that no human being lives
outside or beyond
God’s universal embrace, we also
believe that
in a unique, historical, physical, personal, and unrepeatable way
God revealed himself to the world,
in the mystery of Jesus
and invited us to a life of faith,
ruled by the law of
We believe that the eternal God
loves us
and has spoken to us and has saved
us in Christ,
and lives among us in the Spirit.
And that gift of faith,
the gift of knowing God through
Jesus and the Spirit,
in the sacramental life of the
that is a gift beyond compare, an
unparalleled gift,
a gift we’re called to treasure
and to share.
And in light of what we have been
what we have heard,
and what we have received:
we who follow Jesus can never say
It doesn’t really matter what god you believe in
or what you believe in,
or how you name your god…
We can not say that.
So much more that that is our
the belief of our ancestors and of
our Church.
This is the belief
for which our brothers and sisters
in Iraq are, this day,
being persecuted;
the belief that gathered us
together today in this church;
the belief we’re about to profess
in the Nicene Creed;
the belief that leads us to find
at this Table
the Body and Blood of Jesus
in the Bread and Cup of the
This is the belief that is ours in
Christ Jesus the Lord.
This is the mystery of our faith
and it does truly matter who we
believe in,
what we believe
and how we name our God.

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