What are you doing for Christmas?
I'm asked this question often and my reply is always the same:
What am I doing for Christmas? I'm working!
course everyone knows that I'll be busy with Christmas services. What
they're really asking is where I'm having Christmas dinner and with whom
I'll be spending the day after my work at church is done.Well, let me ask you, What are you doing for Christmas? And I'm not inquiring about where you're having dinner...
I am wondering if your plans for Christmas eve or Christmas morning will include a visit to church for Christmas Mass or a service your faith community offers. As you make your rounds to visit family and friends, will you stop in to visit at the house of the One who's the guest of honor? whose birthday it is?
I know that many of my readers are faithful church-goers and many others, not so much. Christmas is a great time to gather to pray with others. And just as all of us are happy at Christmas to be with family and friends we haven't seen for a long time, so will the Lord and his church be happy to see you if you've been away - no matter how long!
If you're reading this then it's likely that at least once in a while you stop by here to Pause for Prayer - maybe even daily. I hope (and pray) you'll pause for prayer on Christmas eve or day and come home to your place of worship, your community of faith.
If you're around Concord, know that I'd love to see you walk through the doors of Holy Family Parish (directions here) when I'm celebrating Mass on Christmas eve at 4:00 and 6:30 p.m. and at Midnight. And I'll be there to greet you on Christmas morning at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m., when Fr. Myles Sheehan, SJ will be celebrating Mass here at Holy Family.
Wherever you are, be at peace, come to prayer and say a prayer for me - as I will for you!

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