If you have an Advent Wreath at home, pray for perseverance in this fourth week of the season as you light the first, second, third (rose) and fourth candles each day. If you don't have an Advent Wreath - light any candle and pray for faith. If you have no candle, simply stay right here with candles above and pray for faith... And yes: pray this same litany on each night of the third week of Advent...
With the lighting of this fourth Advent candle,
let us pray for perseverance: for the grace to be faithful in good
times and in bad, in season and out of season, as we wait in joyful
hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ...
In the dark of night, Lord, help us persevere...
In the dead of winter, Lord, help us persevere...
In the heat of the day, Lord, help us persevere...
On the uphill side, Lord, help us persevere...
When the odds are against us, Lord, help us persevere...
When others have abandoned us, Lord, help us persevere...
When we just don't know the way, Lord, help us persevere...
When we cannot find your face, Lord, help us persevere...
When our burdens seem too great, Lord, help us persevere...
When we suffer for your name, Lord, help us persevere...
When we hunger for your word, Lord, help us persevere...
When we thirst for your joy, Lord, help us persevere...
When all our hope unravels, Lord, help us persevere...
When we want to give up, Lord, help us persevere...
When our faith wears thin, Lord, help us persevere...
When one more step seems just too much, Lord,
help us persevere...
Send us your Spirit, Lord,
to strengthen our hearts,
to give us new purpose,
to deepen our fidelity,
to light our path,
to show us the way,
and, to help us persevere, Lord...
Come, Lord Jesus, come!

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