
Do you have a place to pray?

Photo by CP

I'm very fortunate to have this small sun room in the rectory which has been my prayer room for years now.  Most homes don't have space to set aside in this way but I share the photo with you as a reminder of how important it is to have a particular place to go to for prayer. 

Perhaps this Lent you'll designate a particular room or corner of a room as your place to  pray. Maybe it will simply be your favorite chair near a window whose view you find pleasant and peaceful.  To mark the space as set apart, you might have nearby a candle, a cross, an icon - and a copy of the scriptures. (If there's a screen in the room, be sure to put the remote out of arm's reach!)

The important thing is to name a place, to make a place where you can meet the Lord at least once a day to speak with him in prayer.  You might bring your first cup of coffee to this place to begin your day with the Lord.  Lighting a candle for prayer in the evening is good way to bring the day to a close. 

Too often our resolutions about prayer are vague: a certain amount of intentionality about prayer, finding a place and making a time, can be very helpful.

I pray for you in my small chapel - please pray for me in your sacred place.


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