On several days a week during Lent you'll see the image above when our Pause for Prayer will focus on how we might "clothe ourselves in mercy" in these 40 days, keeping in mind that Pope Francis has called us to live not just a season but a Year of Mercy in 2016. (If you'd like one of the pocket Crosses with the verse about mercy, click here.)
For starters, let's take a look at some synonyms for the word mercy.
benevolence blessing charity clemency
compassion forgiveness generosity goodwill
grace leniency pity sympathy
tolerance commiseration favor forbearance
gentleness humanity kindness lenience
Pausing for prayer, let's ask ourselves a few questions:
compassion forgiveness generosity goodwill
grace leniency pity sympathy
tolerance commiseration favor forbearance
gentleness humanity kindness lenience
mildness pardon relief tenderness
Pausing for prayer, let's ask ourselves a few questions:
- In what virtues, values or vices am I usually clothed?
Any of the above?
How might others answer that question about me?
- Is my heart clothed in any "garments"
that need to be taken off?
- Is my heart clothed in armor, keeping others away?
- Looking at the list of synonyms,
what "garments" do I need to add to my heart's wardrobe?
- How, this Lent, might I put away any garb that burdens my heart
and clothe myself in mercy? What new clothes do I need?
help me take an honest look, an inventory
of the outfits I wear to costume my heart...
Give me the grace this Lent
to put away what I shouldn't put on
and to dress my heart, instead,
in the garments of mercy
and of grace
and of human kindness...

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