Ash Wednesday can seem to appear out of nowhere, as it does this year when it comes so early on the calendar. Here are some "starter questions" for your prayer and reflection over the next couple of days...
1) Lent is a kind of spiritual spring training for Christians. What has grown weak, what's out of shape in my spiritual life? in my prayer life? in my relationship with Jesus? How do I need to exercise my spiritual life to condition and strengthen it? What in my spiritual life needs stretching and working out? What small steps might I take every day in Lent to develop a discipline, a routine in my prayer?
2) Lent is a time for fasting and going without. What fills me up? What food and drink, what leisure and entertainment, what work and activity stuffs my body, my heart, mind and imagination, my days and nights, my self? If I experienced in my body the hunger of fasting and giving things up for Lent, might I discover a hunger for more satisfying, substantive food for my soul?
3) Lent is a time for giving to the poor (almsgiving). What's my attitude to the poor? to the plight of refugees? what are my prejudices about them? Over the course of the year, how much do I give to the poor? How much of my time do I give to serving the poor? When I complain about what I don't have, do I take an honest look at all I do have? Could it be that I actually have more than I really need? How might I simplify my life this Lent - and how would that free me to give more to others?
Lent is a time to live for forty days
the way a Christian should live all year round!
Ash Wednesday Prep

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