
Good Friday Homily

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Homily for Good Friday 2016
(Scriptures for today's liturgy)

Audio for homily

When I stand at the foot of the Cross,
            under the wings of his outstretched arms,
dare I look up into the eyes of him
            who loved me this much?

When I stand at the foot of the Cross,
            do I hide in its shadow,
lest I see how my sins
            pinned him to his tree of suffering?

When I stand at the foot of the Cross,
            and drops of his blood caress my cheeks,
do I feel the rain of mercy
            he showers down upon me?

When I stand at the foot of the Cross,
            what do I see?
            what do I try not to see?
            what am I afraid to see?

And do I see how, from the Cross,
            he sees me and looks upon me
            with love in his eyes?

When I stand at the foot of the Cross,
            what do I pray?

Does my heart find the words I want to say?
            the words I need to say?

Do my lips find the courage to speak
            my  need for his mercy,
            my desire for his pardon,
            my hope for his forgiveness?

When I stand at the foot of the Cross,
            do I see in his tired body
            the strength I need to live the truth?

Do I see in his blood
            the life for which I thirst?
Do I hear in his last gasp
            my first breath of hope for life for ever?

When I stand at the foot of the Cross,
            do I see all those gathered there with me?
Do I see sinners like myself and even saints
            who need him just as much as I do?

Do I see all humankind of every race and time
            standing with me,  me with them,
all of us in this war-torn, terrorized world
all of us one in our hunger and thirst
            for the love and mercy
offered in the Body and Blood of Jesus:
            our Brother, our Lord, our Savior?             

When I stand at the foot of the Cross,
            do I look up and turn my face to his?

Do I let his eyes meet mine and come to know
            in the depths of who I am
            that I am loved,
            I am forgiven,
            I am saved,
            I am redeemed?

Tonight, we stand together
            at the foot of the Cross.

We look upon Jesus, the Lamb of God,
            our Passover and our lasting peace.

We gaze on Jesus
            who takes away our sins,
            who takes away the sins of the world,
            who gives us peace,

This night, we stand at the foot of your Cross, O Lord,
            in the shadow of your wings.

Help us look into your eyes.

Gather us together in your outstretched arms:
            you who loved us unto death
                        with the gift of your life,
            you who love us even now
                        with an everlasting love
            that we might live with you forever
                        in everlasting peace.


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