Homily for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Scriptures for today's Mass)
"Technical difficulties" with my recorder today - I can't find it!
So no audio for this homily.
There’s a lot in the news these days
about how individuals “self-identify” and what descriptors
they use
to know and understand themselves.
This homily isn’t going to address any legislation on these matters
but rather will help us look at how we self-identify as believers,
- because that’s what these scriptures are about today.
Before a man or woman is married they are known, they
as son,
daughter, sister, brother, nephew, niece,
cousin, aunt, uncle, friend.
Once they’re married, they add a new relationship, a new
to all the other descriptors that apply to them:
they are now known, they now identify as husband, as wife.
And their relationship as married persons
becomes their primary human relationship.
Of course, they are still
son, daughter, sister, brother, nephew, niece,
cousin, aunt, uncle, friend to others
but their spousal relationship influences, colors, modifies
and changes
their other relationships and identities.
Something like this is at the heart of today’s scriptures.
It’s a change in relationship that causes Elisha to ask
if he might go back and bid his parents farewell.
Up to this
point has identified himself and has been known as
- his parents’ son.
But now he’s to be known as Elijah’s apprentice
and the Lord’s prophet: two new identities.
He’s taking on a new relationship status
and it’s beginning to make a qualitative difference
in all his other relationships.
The same is true in the gospel.
Three individuals here present themselves as potential
they stand on the threshold of changing their relationship
by following Jesus.
• With one, the Lord is more demanding than Elijah
(who gave leave
to Elisha to go home to kiss his parents goodbye).
Jesus answers the same request, saying
“once you put
your hand to the plow, once you begin to follow me,
you must leave what’s behind you - behind you.”
Relationship modifies
identity and perspective.
• And to another who ‘s interested in following the Lord
- but wants to wait
until after his father has died -
Jesus warns that the time is at hand and nothing should keep
from walking in his footsteps right now.
To identify as a
is to answer the gospel’s demands in the moment.
• And to yet another, one who’s full of bravado
(“Lord, I’ll
follow you wherever you go!”)
Jesus cautions that following him change your lifestyle
because you’ll be following one who hasn’t so much
as a place to lay his head at night.
A relationship with
Christ identifies you as one called to live
as he lived and that will likely
impact, modify
and change one’s identity.
Of course Jesus wasn’t and isn’t anti-family or in any way
to all those wonderful relationships in our lives
through which we come to know and love God.
But he is speaking a hard saying and it is this:
Among all the relationships we enjoy in our lives,
none is more important than our relationship with the Lord.
Among the many identities
by which we understand and know ourselves,
none is more important than our identity as children of God.
So, let’s put a practical edge on all of that
and ask ourselves a few questions.
In the week just past,
in what ways, in what relationships, situations and
did I know, understand
and identify myself
as a follower of Jesus?
And, were there times in the past week when in some ways,
in some relationships, in some circumstances,
I subtly, quietly denied my identity as a follow of Christ?
And one more question…
In the week ahead of me, in what ways
in what relationships, situations and circumstances,
will I have the opportunity to know, understand and identify
]as a disciple of the Jesus?
The Incarnation, the mystery of God becoming one like us in
]is the ultimate expression of the Divine identifying as
taking on our flesh and blood
]and offering the same on the Cross, for us,
]shared now at this altar in the Bread and Cup of Communion.
Jesus, who has so totally identified himself with our
]invites us to take into ourselves, into our bodies, his
]his holy presence in Communion.
May what we celebrate and receive here help us know
]understand ourselves and identify ourselves
as children of God and brothers and sisters of Christ Jesus,
our Lord and Redeemer.
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