Every year in my parish we distribute "pocket Crosses" on Ash Wednesday and the first weekend in Lent. Ashes wear off quickly, these little Crosses are intended to remind on a daily basis that we are in a season of 40 days of grace and prayer and service. (I'd be pleased to send you a pocket Cross: see the end of this post for information on how to get one.)
Our pocket Crosses usually carry a scripture quote but this year's edition takes a different turn. Each small wooden Cross bears 6 R's: Remember, Return, Repent, Reconcile, Reorder, Restore! With each Cross we sharing the following "program" of Lenten exercises:
Remember the times you were closest to God, when your heart was filled with peace, your hope strong and your faith sure…
Return to God whose love for you is faithful in good times and in bad, who is ever at your side and walks with you always…
Repent of the ways you’ve been unfaithful to God’s word, his love, and the grace and help the Lord has offered you…
Reconcile yourself to God in the sacrament of reconciliation and make peace with others, sharing the mercy the Lord has shown you…
Reorder your priorities, putting faith in God, serving others and Sunday prayer at the top of your list…
Restore your trust in God’s love for you, in the Lord’s faithful presence and in the truth of his word…
If you would like a pocket Cross to carry this Lent, please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to
Fr. Austin FlemingThere is no charge - please do not send money! If you're inclined to be offer something, please direct your contribution to your parish or a favorite charity!
55 Church Street
Concord, MA 01742

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