
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 11/5

even before I wake up
you know the whole of the day ahead of me...

Before I open my eyes
you know all of this day's sorrows,
all of this day's joys...  

Before I'm out of bed
you know my hopes and dreams,
my worries and fears
of what this day might bring...

You know everything I'll face today:
you'll be my strength when I am weak,
as you're my strength when I am strong...

You know the blessings and the burdens
of the day that lies ahead:
make me grateful for your gifts
and help me carry all that's hard to bear...

You know the help I'll need today -
I know you'll share it freely:
give me the grace I'll need
to live this day in peace with you
and with all whose paths cross mine...


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