
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 5/19

Today (May 19) marks the 45th anniversary of my ordination as a priest. I can remember my ordination day as clear as a bell! It was a beautiful day and I remember driving from the seminary to the cathedral in my blue Volkswagen with the all the windows down. I was somewhat nervous but mostly excited about what was going to happen that day when Cardinal Medeiros would lay his hands on my head and anoint my hands with chrism.

Although I could never have dreamed or anticipated then what these 45 years have brought, I am grateful for every one of them: for five years at St. Ann Parish in Quincy; for four years at the University of Notre Dame in graduate studies and positions in seminary formation (Moreau Seminary) and campus ministry (especially in my favorite dorm,  Morrissey Manor); for nine years at St. Ann University Parish in Boston serving the campuses of Northeastern University and Emerson College; for three years at St. Joseph Parish in Medway; for ten years in my first pastorate at Our Lady Help of Christians Parish in West Concord; and for fourteen years now, here at Holy Family Parish.

The life of the Catholic Church over those years has included great joy and tragic sadness. For the former we offer God our praise and thanksgiving, for the latter we ask the Lord for his mercy and healing… Still, in every one of those years I have counted myself blessed to serve God’s people as a priest and blessed by the people it’s been my privilege to serve. I thank God for all of you! Please offer today's Pause for Prayer (below) for my ordination classmates and for me.

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A Prayer for Priests

Gracious God, loving Father,
font of every gift and grace,
make our priests for us, we pray:
men of faith and sacrifice,
humble servants of your Word,
prophets of your Spirit’s power...

men of hopefulness and peace,
loyal heralds of the gospel,
strong defenders of the truth...

men of scripture and tradition, 
faithful preachers of the Word,
its comfort and its challenge...
men of prayer and grateful praise,
faithful servants at your table
where we gather in communion... 
men of custom and of change, 
bound to follow day by day
where your Spirit calls and leads...

men of tenderness and strength,
shepherds leading home the lost,
caring for the poor and sick...

men of counsel and discernment,
trusted guides along our way,
shining light on darkened paths...

men of patience and of mercy,
offering healing consolation
for the grieving and abused...

men of justice and compassion,
reconciling and forgiving,
granting pardon in your name...

men of sacrifice and honor,
single minded in your service,
set apart to do your will...

men of holiness and joy,
anointed by your grace,
ordained to preach the Cross... 
Make us one with them in faith
and in Christ your only Son,
in whose holy name we pray...



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