
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 5/10

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When I come to pray, Lord,
I often bring a basketful of
troubles and tears, needs and fears
and shouts and cries for help...

But today I come with praise, just praise,
and even if my heart's not yet quite there -
I'm thankful for my blessings
even if my grateful feeling lag behind...

I praise you for this moment, Lord:
another day to live, to change, to grow:
to make more today of all I have
than I did yesterday, last week,
last month or last year...

I praise you for the gifts and talents you've given me:
the ones I use, the ones I ignore,
the ones I've wasted, the ones I've put away
and the ones I've yet to open...

I praise you for the best of my life behind me
and for the lessons and healing of old hurts and pain.
Make me mindful of the present moment, Lord,
with hope for what's ahead:
I trust you'll guide and show me paths
that lead me, safe, to peace...

I praise you for the people in my life
who care for me and love me, who have my back
and never fail to stand by me
when times are rough and tumble...

I praise you for the ones I love, the ones I care for,
those who fill my days and soul with grace and
blessings - so many more than I can count...

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I praise you for the joy I miss when I'm angry,
when I stubbornly refuse to see what's right before me,
when my fear keeps me from opening up my heart
and I run and hide from just what I had wanted,
pined and prayed for...

I praise you for your mercy, Lord: for all the ways
you forgive and pull me back
when I've turned away from you...
I praise your calm, persisting love that never fails 
to call my name, seek me out and bring me home again...

Help me declare your wondrous deeds, O Lord:
help me remember, count and name the times when
faith has been my strength, when you have been my hope
when love has lifted up my heart and set me free again...

In this quiet time today, Lord, show me everything
for which I owe you thanks and praise:
my blessings, gifts and talents;
your mercy, grace and healing;
the love of those around me whose hearts give me a home...

Let no anxious fear disturb my time in prayer:
in the quiet, let me find your peace;
in peace, let me find my hope in you;
and in my hope, Lord,  help me learn to love...

In the stillness I will trust that you are near, Lord,
and, with all my heart,
I will declare your wondrous deeds...


I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart;
I will declare your wondrous deeds...
Psalm 9


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