
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 7/7

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• An unexpected encounter can be a joy, Lord,
a surprise party in my heart,
thrown just for me...

• And sometimes just a word or phrase
can redeem an otherwise lackluster day...

• Blessed by an uplifting moment of grace,
any day becomes a gift and blessing...

Well last night, Lord, I experienced all three:
out of the blue I met someone I didn't know,
whose words were a blessing and boon,
crowning an otherwise ordinary day...

Who knows but you, Lord, how many times
you touch and heal my life in just these ways:
by surprise, simply so,
freely shared as gift and grace...

Open my eyes, ears and heart, Lord,
to see and hear and find each gift you offer:
don't let me miss a single one,
each a jewel, a joy waiting
to be embedded in my soul...



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