
Something special - on a daily basis

Photo by CP

The critical factor that guarantees my regularly returning to a restaurant is the quality of its daily specials.  I know what a difference these additions make to the regular menu make for those who dine out regularly.  I'm fortunate, then, to live so close to The Wellington where, day by day, the specials do not disappoint.  The Wellington opened just over a year ago.

On a daily basis the menu features: three different oysters from a rotation of beds on the Cape; a small plate crudo; a catch, cut and vegetable of the day.

A recent catch (above) was swordfish as perfectly prepared as any fish ever to land on your table: tender and succulent, neither too rare nor overcooked.  The sword was seated on a panzanella salad of heirloom tomatoes, brioche croutons, cucumber and pickled red onion - with a tomato vinaigrette and basil evoo.  All this, my friends, was very special indeed!

Photo by Chef Rob Neeley
Tonight's crudo was so good I ordered it twice with a glass of chardonnay.  What you see above are thin slices of fluke seated on sliced cucumber in a shallow pool of a gazpacho combining heirloom tomato, cucumber and a small kick of red chili - all garnished with micro basil.

While there are many fine items on the regular menu (including the recently added meze platter which I'll feature here soon) it's the daily specials like the two above that keep me coming back.

My compliments to Chef Rob Neeley for these creative offerings.  Chef Rob was at my beloved Vincenzo's when it closed and I'm blessed to have him so close by in the kitchen at The Wellington.


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