I received this yesterday in an email from a friend...
I had my kids watch the video of your homily from last weekend about "doing the next right thing." And then today... My son "Bobby" did the next right thing...
We were playing a doubleheader baseball game this morning against a team of kids from out of town who are all orginally from the Dominican Republic. They arrived at the ball field in a rental van: no parents with them, only one small cooler of water which they were sharing (no ice, no extra water).In contrast, my son's team had all the parents, full coolers of ice water, snacks - and anything else they might need or want.
After the first game both teams were completely rundown from the heat. Parents from our team swarmed around their boys giving them everything they could want to cool off. The other team laid on the grass under a tree, dripping in sweat.
Before I could even find Bobby, he had gone to our car and taken our big cooler plus his own cooler and brought it over to the other team, opened up the coolers and spoke to them in Spanish telling them to take whatever they needed. They were so appreciative and so grateful. Then he brought them our cut watermelon and cut oranges and rather than just leaving the snacks with them, he sat down on the ground and talked to them in Spanish for a long time. They were just a bunch of 16yr old baseball players talking on a summer day.
Parents and kids from our team had turned to watch Bobby and at first weren't really sure what he was doing - but it soon became very clear.
He spent the whole between-game break with the other team. I am so proud of him my heart could burst...And my heart, too!

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