
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 9/6

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As the season turns
my windows open wide to breezes
quietly stirring the curtains
and gently flapping the shades:
September slips past my door
and into every nook and cranny,
fresh with air my home inhales...

My soul needs just these breezes, Lord,
your Spirit breathing grace in me
and cleansing what's gone stale
within my heart...

AC's no match for nature's way,
her feathery kisses all aflutter,
falling here and landing there,
sweet upon my flesh and deeper, too,
in places long forgotten...

Open wide the windows of my heart
to breezes stirring in those curtained corners
where I might sometimes hide from grace, from you
and from your Spirit's sweet caress...

Raise the shades that keep me in the dark, Lord,
and let September slip into my soul
to rouse your life afresh within...



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