
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 9/8

Help me meet people right where they are, Lord:
   not where I wish they were,
   not where I think they should be,
   not where I want them to be,
but simply where they are...

Help me meet others as you do, Lord:
   with an open heart,
   with the gift of mercy,
   with a desire to help and heal...

Lord, help me meet people
as I'd have them meet me:
   with a warm welcome,
   an open mind,
   with compassion and understanding...

And help me welcome others, Lord,
   with a willing generous spirit,
   yielding my time in their favor,
   serving their needs, not my own...
So, meet me where I am, Lord,
with your kind and gentle mercy,
helping me encounter others
with the blessings I've received...



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