You've given me another day to live, Lord:
a day to shape into something beautiful,
a day to serve others, a day to give you thanks,
a day in the life that you and I share...
How would you have me spend this day, Lord?
With whom would you have me share it?
Along what path will your Spirit lead me?
Close to whose heart will your heart bring me?
What word would you have me hear today?
What time together have you planned for us to share?
What tears might be mine when we meet today, Lord?
With what peace and joy might you touch my soul?
When I'm tired today give me strength, Lord.
When I'm moving too fast, slow me down.
When I need to speak, give me words to say
And when I'm saying too much, let me know...
Give me patience with this day's routine, Lord,
and open my eyes to what's fresh and new,
for this day comes a gift from your hand -
may I make it the gift I offer to you...

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