
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 11/7

I am your work in progress, Lord,
as much today at 72
as I was at 7 months or 7 years…

I am your work in progress:
incomplete, unfinished,
still growing, taking shape, maturing,
making my way, finding my place,
all with the help of your grace…

I am your work in progress, Lord,
and you never cease to nudge and nurture,
mold and form me more and more
to be and to become just the person 
you created me to be…

I am your work in progress,
even, if often, I resist, deny 
or frustrate your constant efforts 
to soften my ragged edges
and sharpen what’s grown dull 
within my spirit…

I am your work in progress, Lord -
what version number? I don't know!
But I'm sure that you're still hard at work,
refining the original, the heart of who-I-am,
the one and only me you  made and loved 
and called by name
since before all time began...

Then make me patient, Lord,
with the pace at which you work
to help me grow, mature, change
and reach full stature
as the person you created me to be...

And give me patience with myself
when I’m dissatisfied with who I am
and with the progress I have made
(or failed to make!)
in becoming the human being
you're calling me to be...

Give me patience ‘til I see and know
the plan you have in mind
and how your work in me might serve you
and serve the world I live in
and serve all those I’m called to love
with this humble life of mine...

That’s who I am, Lord,
and I trust you'll love me always, 
every step along the way,
because you take me as I am:
unfinished, incomplete,
still growing and maturing,
Making my way and finding my place 
with the help of your grace,,
for I am still a work in progress...

It's you, Lord, 
who began this work in me
and I trust you'll bring it to completion
on the day you come to take me home
to be at peace with you forever 
when your work in me is finished
and my work here is done...



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