I've been taking some of my retreat time to pray as I suggested in my homily for the first Sunday of Advent. Picking up on the imagery of light in Isaiah and Paul, I encouraged my listeners to offer the simple prayer - Jesus, be the light of my life - as they encountered all the trimmings and trappings of the Christmas season (lights, decorations, cards, gifts, outreach to those in need). And... to offer that same prayer - Jesus, be the light of my life - in moments when they find the darkness and shadows of sadness and disappointment closing in on them at this time of year... On this virtual retreat then, let's look at some of those moments and pray - Jesus, be the light of my life!
- When the holiday's hoopla becomes too much to bear,
Jesus, be the light of my life!
- When my plate is too full and I can't really deal with much more,
Jesus, be the light of my life!
- When I'm struggling to find the Christ in Christmas,
Jesus, be the light of my life!
- When the holiday blues blur the season's red and green,
Jesus, be the light of my life!
- When saddened by the absence of family and friends,
Jesus, be the light of my life!
- When I'm feeling forgotten and need to be remembered,
Jesus, be the light of my life!
- When my year-round troubles only complicate Christmas,
Jesus, be the light of my life!
- When finances burden my gift-giving plans,
Jesus, be the light of my life!
- When illness, aches and pains drain my Christmas spirit,
Jesus, be the light of my life!
- When I want to believe but my faith isn't strong,
Jesus, be the light of my life!
- When I want to have hope but I'm anxious and worried,
Jesus, be the light of my life!
- When I pine for God's love but I feel all alone,
Jesus, be the light of my life!
- When I'm lost in the shadows and can't find my way,
Jesus, be the light of my life!
In my homily I said,
"I can't tell you what Santa Claus might bring you this year
but I can tell you with 100% accuracy
that what God wants to give you for Christmas
is the gift of his Son, Jesus, who is the Light of the World."
I think of the words from the carol, O Little Town of Bethlehem:
-->No matter how restless and dreamless your sleep may be,no matter how silent the heavens in answer to your prayers,O little town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie,
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by.
Yet in thy dark streets shineth
The everlasting Light:
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight!
no matter how deep, how dense the darkness you know, still
and without fail,
the Light of Jesus
burns for you, comes to you and lights your way
through all your hopes and fears...
In all things pray:
Jesus, be the light of my life!
And pray for others:
Jesus, be the light of their life!
And let us pray for one another:
Jesus, be the light of our life!

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