In one week there are 7 days,
168 hours,
10,080 minutes
and 604,800 seconds...
Not even for a second, Lord,
do you ever turn your gaze
from my heart's cares,
its troubles and trials...
You're with me every minute
of every day and every night:
whether I'm awake or I'm asleep,
you're always by my side...
Not an hour of my life has passed
that you didn't spend with me:
beside me, before me, behind me,
above me and within me...
No day fades to yesterday
without your having blessed it:
the good days and the bad days
and all days in between...
No day waits ahead of me, Lord
when you won't be there at its dawning
to welcome and to ready me,
to see me through
whatever tomorrow may bring...
In every week, Lord,
there's one day you claim as yours
but choose to share with me,
the first day, Lord: Sunday...
And on that day you ask
but 1 hour of my time, Lord:
60 minutes,
3,600 seconds
in return for your having been with me
through all the week just past
and with the pledge you'll be with me again,
each day,
in the week that lies before me...
You ask, Lord, for an hour of my time:
to gather with your people
to pray, to hear your Word,
to be nourished at your Table...
Open my heart this weekend, Lord,
to return an hour of my time,
along with my thanks and praise,
for all the time you give and spend with me
every minute,
of every hour,
of every day...

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