Coffee in the Morning by George Mendoza
Good morning, good God!
Still pondering yesterday's story, Lord:
your meeting Rachel at the well
and her amazement
that you could tell her everything she'd ever done
- and clearly, she had quite a story to tell...
And I know you know me just as well, Lord.
You know my history, the whole of it,
and you know it better than anyone else,
better than I know it myself!
You know more of me than I do, Lord,
and for sure, you know everything I've ever done:
and yet still... you offer me your mercy...
You know my missteps and mistakes,
my blunders and my foolishness,
my poor choices and bad decisions,
my sadly lacking thoughts and desires,
my false moves - and all my selfish ways...
And yet still... you offer me your kindness...
You know my unkind thoughts and words,
my prejudice and bias,
my lies and my gossip,
my mess-ups and offenses,
my faults and failures,
my jealousy and envy,
my lust and pride and greed...
And yet still... you offer me forgiveness...
You know my vices and bad habits,
my wrongdoing and transgressions,
my anger and my grudges,
my unjust words and deeds
and all my infidelities...
You know my sins, Lord:
you know every way I've failed
and everything I've failed to do...
You know all the things I meant to do,
wanted to do and forgot to do:
all the things I ought to have finished
but put off even starting...
And yet still... you offer me your pardon...
O Lord, you know me!
You know the truth of who I am,
the whole truth and nothing but the truth:
you know all the things I try to hide
from you and from others
- and from myself...
You know, and you can tell me,
everything I've ever done -
and yet
and still
and even so:
you offer me forgiveness,
you tender me your mercy,
you propose a new beginning,
a second chance -
and a third, a fourth, and a fifth
- and many, many more...
You know everything I've done, Lord,
and everything I've failed to do
- and yet you offer me your blessing...
Lent is my time, Lord, my turn,
to meet you at the well:
the deep well of your kindness
and the sweet waters of your mercy;
the well where saving waters wait
to wash me clean of all my sins,
to heal me of my faults
and slake my thirst for all that's good
and true and whole and pure and just...
You wait by the well, Lord,
you wait, this Lent, for me...
Call me by name, Lord,
and bid me draw from the well of your grace
and drink of the living waters
refreshing the depths of my thirsty soul...
Help me face and own the truth of who I am,
of everything I've ever done
and everything I've failed to do
and to lean on you for pardon and mercy:
for a clean slate, second chance
and a new beginning...
Help me confess my sins
- and my deep need for you
and your merciful love...
Let me drink deeply of the waters
of your mercy...
I offer you the truth of who I am, Lord,
and pray that you'll forgive me
and restore me to the peace
that only you can give...

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