Coffee in the Morning by George Mendoza
Good morning, good God!
So, Lent’s half over, Lord,
and Easter's only three weeks away...
In some ways it seems like we've had two Lents:
Lent I started on Ash Wednesday
while Lent II began a couple of weeks ago
with its own social-distanced discipline
of self denial, prayer
and reaching out to those in need...
Truth is, Lord,
I think I'm doing much better with the second Lent
than with the first
and that's because it seems to me
there's so much more's at stake in Lent II...
Looking back,
some of the promises I made for Lent I
now seem fairly simple, almost easy
- not really too demanding...
But what Lent II asks of me
really makes an impact on
my daily life,
my personal freedom,
my relationship with others
- and my relationship with you, Lord...
Lent II is stretching me, changing me, Lord,
challenging me to grow -
and it's looking like this might go on
for more than 40 days...
So, I'm halfway to Easter, Lord
- but only you know the mile markers
on the journey Lent II has in store for us...
So I pray you'll be with me, Lord,
in fact I trust and I know you'll be with me
as I make my way on both my Lenten paths:
let the two converge, Lord, so but one road
leads me to Easter's peace
and refreshes and strengthens me
for the journey still ahead...
Give me grace and courage, Lord,
to live through seasons I and II:
keep me faithful to the shifts and changes,
the challenges awaiting me
- and all the world around me...
Be our strength in temptation, Lord,
be our resolve in weaker moments,
be our hope in the face of fear,
our life when ours is threatened...
Lord, I offer you this morning
my renewed pledge
to let go what keeps me from your love,
to place my hope in your merciful presence
and to provide, generously, for those in need...
I offer you my journey on the way of the Cross,
as I prepare for Easter
and the road that leads from there
to your healing and your peace...

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