

On the day of your death and burial,
on this of all nights, Lord,
as I lay me down to sleep,
I pray for you my soul to keep
and if I die before I wake
I pray you, Lord, my soul to take...

A child's prayer, but one we all remember, Lord
- and for good reason:
it speaks the truth in faith...

My whole life is in your hands, Lord,
day and night I'm in your care
but especially in my sleep do I entrust
   the whole of who I am,
   my hopes and dreams,
   my joys and sorrows,
   my need for your mercy,
   my welfare and safety
   into your strong arms and loving hands...

In your hour of greatest need, Lord,
you abandoned yourself
into your Father's hands:
give me faith and trust enough
to abandon my life
into the care of the One who made me,
who sustains me
and who promises me life eternal...

Hear my prayer, Lord,
for all who are restless tonight,
for all who are in pain
and those who care for them;
and for all who, this night,
you'll call home to yourself
through the sleep of death...

Yes... as I lay me down to sleep, Lord,
I pray I'll wake tomorrow
refreshed by a night spent resting in you,
in your faithful and abiding love...

Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake
and watch over us as we sleep
that awake we may keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...



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