
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 4/9

With sunset came the end of Lent
as you ushered us in to the Paschal Triduum,
one feast lasting three days,
one feast of your love, Lord:
left with us in the food of your table,
given for us in your suffering and death,
shared with us in your rising up
from death to life
in peace and joy that have no end...

We're hungry for the Bread of Life,
we thirst for the Cup of Salvation,
we suffer through this sickness and  we bury our dead
with hope of their rising to life with you,
a life we hope one day share
with them, in you, forever...

We can't gather in our churches, Lord,
so gather us as a mother hen gathers her chicks,
gather us in the power of your Spirit,
in the shadow of your wings,
in your everlasting arms,
in prayer and praise...

Gather us over these three days
in this one feast of your grace:
feed and nourish our hearts
that we rise tomorrow
to live and to love
as you have loved us...

Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake
and watch over us we sleep
that awake we may keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...



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