
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 4/14

I heard again today, Lord,
how some folks actually think you sent this virus
to punish us, or to break or shake or remake us:
well, for the record - I'm not one of those folks.

I believe that in your unconditional love
you watch over us, care for us, walk with us,
guide us, forgive us, restore us, refresh us,
sustain us and promise us that in the end
all shall be well...

I also believe that we, your broken people,
are often wounded, scarred and yes, infected,
by the brokenness of the world around us,
the world we live in,
the world we call our home...

I also believe, Lord,
that you have the desire, the will and the power
to write straight with crooked lines,
to do things we can never do, 
to bring out the best from the worst,
to change the unchangeable,
and yes, even to bring life out of death...

And you have the desire, the will and the power, Lord:
- to grow faith, hope and love
     out of our fear of this virus;
- to help us reset our minds, our hearts and our desires
     as this pandemic challenges all our preconceived notions;
- to draw to self-sacrifice, generosity and prayer
     those of us who are selfish, stingy and unbelieving;
- to give us a new beginning as we emerge
     from what we feared might be the end of all...

That's what I believe, Lord:
what troubles me is that you do all this:
   - according to your plans and not my whims and wishes;
   - as you see fit and not as I decree
   - in your own time and not according to my schedule
and all with a wisdom I don't have
and don't yet know or grasp...

So I pray this night, Lord, that you send your Spirit,
that you send your Spirit with power,
power to open my mind to what I don't expect,
to open my heart to what it truly desires,
to open my faith to trust in you,
to open my hope beyond any I've ever known
and to open my love to one and to all
as I'd have them open their hearts to me...

Spirit of the living God,
fall fresh on me!
Melt me, mold me
fill me, use me!
Spirit of the Living God
fall fresh on me!



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