The photo shows the Minneapolis policeman who knelt on George Floyd's neck for about 5 minutes while he struggled and for about 3 more minutes after Mr. Floyd (already handcuffed) became unresponsive.
We mourn the tragic and senseless death of George Floyd. We share the sense of outrage and intense feelings of helplessness of so many others who have now viewed the searing images of his final moments of struggle. All who profess to be followers of Jesus Christ are obligated to work relentlessly to defeat the painful and persistent reality of racism in every instance and wherever it is manifested. Our hearts ache for the family of Mr. Floyd as we pray for them in this hour of their great anguish. We pray also for the people of Minneapolis as they now come to terms with this latest instance of injustice and with God’s help begin to bind the wounds that it has exposed.
-Archbishop William Lori (emphasis added)
A Prayer for George Floyd *
Loving God,
you know the anguish of those who grieve,
you are attentive to the prayers of the brokenhearted.
Hear your people who cry out to you in their need;
strengthen their hope in your lasting goodness.
We pray for George Floyd who died because of violence.
Draw him to yourself, Lord, and let your face shine upon him.
May choirs of angels come to greet him
and lead him to eternal peace and joy.
Be near to his family and friends
and to all those who have been touched by violence:
those who have been hurt, have lost loved ones
and have lost their sense of security.
Be for them a steady comfort and safe resting place.
Change the hearts and steady the minds
of those who would do violence to others.
Change the hearts of us all, Lord:
heal our nation of prejudice and bigotry
and help us build communities
where all people walk together, freely,
in safety and without fear.
May your love triumph over hate, Lord,
your peace over violence
and your truth be our light in the darkness.
(Here's a link to a disturbing video which provides evidence for Archbishop Lori's statement that "Christians are obligated to work relentlessly to defeat the painful and persistent reality of racism in every instance and wherever it is manifested.")
* Adapted from the Rite of Christian Funerals and a prayer from the Catholic Health Association.

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